Institutions with media

There are 166 institutions with media items:

Instid Name Collections Media
AD Academic Division 17 57
APPBD Careers Service 6 4
ARCH Department of Archaeology 3 16
ARCHANT Department of Archaeology and Anthropology 76 2732
ARCT Department of Architecture 13 77
ART Faculty of Architecture and History of Art 12 38
BIOCH Department of Biochemistry 28 416
BIOSTAT MRC Biostatistics Unit 10 47
BOT Department of Plant Sciences 23 222
BOTGARD Botanic Garden 3 15
BUSR Centre for Business Research 9 103
CAIUS Gonville and Caius College 2 2
CAMENT Cambridge Enterprise 2 5
CARET Centre for Applied Research in Educational Technologies 18 79
CAS Centre of African Studies 2 70
CATH St Catharine's College 2 5
CBR John van Geest Centre for Brain Repair 1 3
CCU MRC Cancer Unit 1 1
CEB Dept of Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology 17 60
CEC The Entrepreneurship Centre 12 557
CHCARE Centre for Family Research 3 21
CHEM Department of Chemistry 23 232
CHME Department of Chemical Engineering 2 9
CHRISTS Christ's College 14 41
CHURCH Churchill College 2 12
CIA Cambridge in America 1 20
CIAO Cambridge Admissions Office 8 151
CIMR Cambridge Institute for Medical Research 2 14
CJCR Woolf Institute 6 73
CL Department of Computer Science and Technology 34 188
CLARE Clare College 1 0
CLAREH Clare Hall 10 124
CLASARC Museum of Classical Archaeology 1 1
CLASS Faculty of Classics 6 34
CLINMED Faculty of Clinical Medicine 5 28
COMMED Department of Public Health and Primary Care 2 3
COUNSEL Student Support 2 1
CPI Institute for Sustainability Leadership 1 1
CRASSH Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities 90 1207
CRIM Institute of Criminology 12 95
CRUK Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute 5 8
CS University Computing Service 40 206
CSAS Centre of South Asian Studies 3 628
CSU Cambridge SU 1 0
CUL Cambridge University Library 47 249
CVM Dept. of Veterinary Medicine 8 60
DAMTP Department of Applied Maths and Theoretical Physics 25 276
DARPG Darwin College - Graduates and Postgraduates 1 2
DARWIN Darwin College 28 184
DISAB Accessibility and Disability Resource Centre 11 21
DIV Faculty of Divinity 33 156
DOWN Downing College 11 26
DPMMS Department of Pure Maths and Mathematical Statistics 15 69
DUNN MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit 1 1
EARTH Department of Earth Sciences 2 13
ECON Faculty of Economics 26 197
ECONLIB Economics Marshall Library 1 1
EDMUND St Edmund's College 3 2
EDUC Faculty of Education 97 830
EFL English Faculty Library 1 1
EMM Emmanuel College 2 24
ENG Department of Engineering 121 980
EPID MRC Epidemiology Unit 5 54
EPSYCH Department of Psychology 13 29
ESTMAN Estate Management 4 6
FARADAY Faraday Institute 1 805
FINANB Finance Division 16 108
FITZ Fitzwilliam College 4 24
FITZM Fitzwilliam Museum 25 212
FOE Faculty of English 14 239
FOM Faculty of Music 6 31
FOS Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies 14 141
FRENCH Department of French 1 1
GCT Gates Cambridge Trust 1 56
GEN Department of Genetics 6 20
GENDER Centre for Gender Studies 1 26
GEOG Department of Geography 10 28
GIRTON Girton College 9 33
GRADPAD Facilities Management 3 6
GSLS Graduate School of Life Sciences 2 2
HIST Faculty of History 27 649
HOM Homerton College 6 17
HPS Department of History and Philosophy of Science 11 63
HR Human Resources Division 25 166
HSD Health, Safety and Regulated Facilities 3 5
HSPS Faculty of Human, Social and Political Science 4 32
HUGEL Von Hugel Institute 1 45
IEEF Institute for Energy and Environmental Flows 1 2
INIMS Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences 204 9958
INTERCOL Office of Intercollegiate Services 1 4
INTLAW Lauterpacht Centre for International Law 2 18
IOA Institute of Astronomy 16 128
IOCS Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies 16 149
IPH Institute of Public Health 1 6
ITALIAN Department of Italian 4 38
JESUS Jesus College 2 5
JIMS Judge Business School 63 864
JOHNS St John's College 732 9564
JOHNSUG St John's College - Undergraduates 2 35
KETTLE Kettle's Yard Gallery 2 18
KICC Kavli Institute for Cosmology 4 17
KINGS King's College 90 2861
LANGCEN Language Centre 7 21
LAW Faculty of Law 47 1784
LCFI Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence 3 9
LE Department of Land Economy 7 17
LEGAL Legal Services Division 1 1
LING Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 12 71
MAA Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 16 1897
MATHS Faculty of Mathematics 2 5
MBIT Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology 2 1
MBSTU Laboratory of Molecular Biology - students 1 1
MED Department of Medicine 6 56
MEDIT Clinical School Computing Service 3 16
MET Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy 28 213
MIAR McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research 1 4
MISD Management Information Services Division 6 12
MML Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics 6 28
MMLLIB Modern and Medieval Languages Library 1 1
NEWH Murray Edwards College 2 0
NEWN Newnham College 6 23
OURCAMB ourcambridge 1 1
PAED Department of Paediatrics 2 10
PANTH Department of Biological Anthropology 2 31
PATH Department of Pathology 8 41
PEMB Pembroke College 10 46
PET Peterhouse 1 2
PHARM Department of Pharmacology 4 5
PHIL Faculty of Philosophy 37 263
PHY Department of Physics 22 148
PHYSI Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience 30 289
POLITX Department of Politics and International Studies 18 200
PPO Office of External Affairs and Communications 123 769
PSYCHI Department of Psychiatry 4 25
QUENUG Queens' College - Undergraduates 3 12
RADIOL Department of Radiology 3 26
RIDLEY Ridley Hall 4 24
ROBIN Robinson College 9 314
RSD Research Office 15 70
SAIN Sainsbury Laboratory 7 22
SANTH Department of Social Anthropology 10 82
SARHU School of the Arts and Humanities 4 10
SBIOS School of the Biological Sciences 4 33
SECRET Governance and Compliance Division 4 107
SEL Selwyn College 2 8
SHSS School of the Humanities and Social Sciences 7 21
SID Sidney Sussex College 10 39
SLAVON Department of Slavonic Studies 5 25
SOCANTH Department of Social Anthropology 4 18
SOCIAL Department of Sociology 11 30
SPS Faculty of Politics, Psychology, Sociology and International Studies 2 5
STEM Cambridge Stem Cell Institute 4 16
TES Temporary Employment Service 14 35
TRIN Trinity College 7 18
TRINH Trinity Hall 3 12
TRINUG Trinity College - Undergraduates 2 2
UBSS University Biomedical Services 1 1
UDU University Development and Alumni Relations 11 55
UIS University Information Services 79 485
UISTEST University Information Services (test accounts) 2 2
UP Cambridge University Press 1 1
WELLC Gurdon Institute 3 17
WESTCOT Westcott House 2 17
WOLFC Wolfson College 13 180
XMURAL Institute of Continuing Education 14 72
ZOO Department of Zoology 9 18
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