Department of Biological Anthropology


This institution has 2 collections.


Collection search results

Cafe Scientifique Cambridge and the British Council as part of the Darwin 200 celebrations

   1 media item
   10,553 total views

Café Scientifique events provide relaxed settings in which we can talk about the latest thought-provoking science issues. These take place in cafés, bars and restaurants and other non-academic venues. What's more, you don't have to be a scientist or science student to take part. Café Scientifique...

Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology

Created: Wed 6 May 2009

Darwin Festival 2009

   30 media items
   105,246 total views

The Darwin 2009 Festival, 5–10 July 2009, celebrated the bicentenary of Darwin’s birth and the sesquicentenary of the publication of his most famous book, On the Origin of Species. About 1500 people attended the core Festival and at least the same number again attended the related exhibitions,...

Institution: Department of Biological Anthropology

Created: Mon 21 Sep 2009