CPC Lectures

Created: 2021-01-26 10:50
Institution: Department of Physics
Description: The recorded lectures from the 20-21 Cambridge Physics Centre lecture programme.

Media items

This collection contains 5 media items.


Media items

Eyes in the Sky: Spotting Millimetre-scale Movements from Space - Dr Sakthy Selvakumaran


Roads, tunnels, bridges, and other infrastructure form the backbone of our cities. With increasing challenges like climate change, and ageing and deteriorating structures, the...

Collection: CPC Lectures

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Tue 26 Jan 2021

October 2021 - Gravitational Waves, Dark Energy and Black Holes, Prof. Malcolm Longair


What are stars? How do they evolve and die? Why do we need general relativity to describe their behaviour? What are black holes? What is the astronomical evidence for their...

Collection: CPC Lectures

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Wed 27 Oct 2021

Plastic Planet - Dr Claire Barlow


Plastic is hitting the headlines with stories about the devastating effect of plastic waste on the environment, with plastic packaging as a particular target. Single-use plastic...

Collection: CPC Lectures

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Tue 26 Jan 2021

Seeing the invisible: the Dark Matter puzzle - Dr Tina Potter


Astronomical observations tell us that Dark Matter makes up 27% of our Universe and experiences the gravitational force, yet we still know very little beyond this. The Large...

Collection: CPC Lectures

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Tue 26 Jan 2021

Seeing with Atoms - Dr Andrew Jardine


First there were optical microscopes, then electron microscopes, now with just three in the World, helium atom microscopes present a novel view at the microscopic scale.  Helium...

Collection: CPC Lectures

Institution: Department of Physics

Created: Tue 26 Jan 2021