EPSRC Summer School on Modal Decompositions in Fluid Mechanics

Created: 2019-09-12 13:42
Institution: Department of Engineering
Description: A series of lectures and tutorials that took place at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, 5-8 August 2019.

There are 17 lectures in total divided into 6 topics:

1. Overview (Lectures 1-3) - Tim Colonius

2. Stability & dynamical systems (Lectures 4-6) - Rich Kerswell & Ashley Willis

3. Resolvent analysis (Lectures 7&8) - Ati Sharma & Beverley McKeon

4. Model reduction in hydrodynamic stability (Lectures 9-11) - Shervin Bagheri

5. Koopman mode analysis (Lectures 12-14) - Steve Brunton

6. Dynamic mode decomposition (Lectures 15-17) - Peter Schmid

The summer school was organised and sponsored by the UK Fluids Network, through the Special Interest Group on Flow instability, modelling and control.
Website: https://fluids.ac.uk/

Media items

This collection contains 17 media items.


Media items

(07/17) Resolvent analysis 1, Ati Sharma


Note: the right-hand half of the screen is blank because the lecturer did not use any slides.

Collection: EPSRC Summer School on Modal Decompositions in Fluid Mechanics

Institution: Department of Engineering

Created: Thu 12 Sep 2019