Career Development: The Benefits of Mentoring

Career Development: The Benefits of Mentoring 's image
Created: 2018-04-10 11:00
Institution: University Information Services
Description: Benefits of being involed in a Mentoring Scheme run by UIS

Media items

This collection contains 7 media items.


Media items

Mentoring Scheme : Anna Nerkh's mentee experience


Anna shares her experience of being a mentee as part of the IT Community and UIS Mentoring Scheme

Collection: Career Development: The Benefits of Mentoring

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Wed 26 Feb 2020

Mentors' online event: 8 July 2020


A contextual, informative and interactive webinar-style event to provide guidance and helpful techniques for mentors enrolled on the UIS Mentoring Scheme and anyone interested in...

Collection: Career Development: The Benefits of Mentoring

Institution: University Information Services

Created: Thu 9 Jul 2020