History of Art Material

History of Art Material's image
Created: 2012-03-12 16:39
Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art
Description: Media containing information relevant to the Department of History of Art

Media items

This collection contains 13 media items.

Note: some media items are not shown, because they are only visible to Raven users. To see these media items, you must log in.

Media items

Professor Philippe Descola - Slade Lectures


Slade Lectures Michaelmas 2021-22

Collection: History of Art Material

Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Created: Wed 27 Oct 2021

Professor Philippe Descola - Slade Lectures - 2


Slade Lectures Michaelmas 2021-22

Collection: History of Art Material

Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Created: Wed 27 Oct 2021

Professor Philippe Descola - Slade Lectures - 3


Slade Lectures Michaelmas 2021-22

Collection: History of Art Material

Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Created: Mon 1 Nov 2021

Professor Philippe Descola - Slade Lectures - 5


Slade Lectures Michaelmas 2021-22

Collection: History of Art Material

Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Created: Thu 11 Nov 2021

Professor Philippe Descola - Slade Lectures - 7


Slade Lectures Michaelmas 2021-22

Collection: History of Art Material

Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Created: Tue 14 Dec 2021

Professor Philippe Descola - Slade Lectures 8


Slade Lectures Michaelmas 2021-22

Collection: History of Art Material

Institution: Faculty of Architecture and History of Art

Created: Mon 13 Dec 2021