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Bunyan: To be a pilgrim
Sunday 22 February: Choral Evensong
Speaker: Revd Dr Malcolm Guite.
Title: Bunyan: To be a pilgrim
Hymns: 676 he that is down, 688 to be a pilgrim
Psalm: 98
OT Reading:...
Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; To be a Pilgrim
Institution: Girton College
Created: Wed 18 Mar 2015
Dante: Through Hell to Heaven
Sunday 25 January: Choral Evensong
Speaker: Revd Dr Malcolm Guite.
Title: Dante: Through Hell to Heaven
Hymns: 358 O God our help, 405 Lift up your hearts
Psalm: 139
Collection: Girton College Chapel Sermons; To be a Pilgrim
Institution: Girton College
Created: Wed 18 Mar 2015