Cambridge Philosophical Society mini-series #2: Dr Elena Luca

Duration: 18 mins 40 secs
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Cambridge Philosophical Society mini-series #2: Dr Elena Luca's image
Description: In recent years, the generous support of the Cambridge Philosophical Society has allowed INI to further support the attendance of early career researchers in its programmes and workshops. This second of three interviews speaks to one such recipient: Dr Elena Luca
Created: 2020-12-18 10:42
Collection: Living Proof - the Isaac Newton Institute podcast
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Dan Aspel
Language: eng (English)
Keywords: mathemathics; isaac newton institute; funding; academic; cambridge philosophical society;
Person:  Dr Elena Luca
Anchor:  Daniel Aspel
Anchor:  Dr Ciara Dangerfield
Abstract: In recent years, the generous support of the Cambridge Philosophical Society has allowed INI to further support the attendance of early career researchers in its programmes and workshops. This second of three interviews speaks to one such recipient: Dr Elena Luca.

Elena is a Senior Research Fellow in Applied Mathematics at University College London, and her research interests include applied complex analysis, viscous flows, and transform methods. Dan Aspel and Ciara Dangerfield speak to her about her recent feast of attendance at the Institute, the essential nature of funding for younger academics, and the value of a supportive atmosphere for women in mathematics.

00:00 - Introduction
00:27 - Welcome
03:45 - Attending two INI research programmes in one year
05:50 - “It was extremely helpful, I’ve been thinking about it for a long time”
06:25 - “As an early career researcher I need more time to create a collaboration”
07:23 - Is funding important for younger academics?
09:52 - Changing institutions, finding different funding opportunities, making grant applications
13:30 - “Half of the story is to have supportive mentors and people around you”
14:30 - What was the best thing about your time at INI?
15:45 - A supportive atmosphere for women in mathematics
17:10 - What does the future hold?
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