TIGR2ESS's image
Created: 2020-05-27 11:45
Institution: Department of Plant Sciences
Description: TIGR2ESS is a UK-India research partnership translating sustainable cropping systems into health, nutrition and equality through research collaboration, exchanges and enhancing female empowerment. It seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of the growing population of India, in rural and urban communities, by ensuring a reliable food and water supply, distributed equitably and future-proofed to meet rising demand under changing societal and environmental conditions.

TIGR2ESS was brought together by Cambridge Global Food Security - an Interdisciplinary Research Centre (GFS IRC) at the University of Cambridge. The programme is funded by the UK Government Global Challenges Research Fund, managed by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC).
Website: https://tigr2ess.globalfood.cam.ac.uk/

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