How will I learn at Cambridge? - What's in this section?

About this item
How will I learn at Cambridge? - What's in this section?'s image
Description: A brief overview
Created: 2019-07-29 19:16
Collection: CamGuides
Publisher: University of Cambridge
Copyright: Cambridge University Libraries
Language: eng (English)
Producer:  Cambridge Information Literacy Network
At university you will learn and be taught in a variety of engaging ways by a host of experts. Some of these methods of teaching may be new to you or be structured differently to the way you learned at school or college. You'll learn in large lectures and small supervisions, in groups and on your own. You may be able to choose what you study, or there may be compulsory elements. But everyone will have the chance to interact with academic staff in a range of settings, which are designed to develop different skills and support your studies.
This guide is divided by different methods of teaching and learning. Click on each title on the left-hand side to learn more about what these terms mean in the Cambridge context.